全球缺貨嘅話題性 Amp Modeler/Profiler Neural DSP Quad Cortex 香港區官方獨家代理 Uni•Sound 現貨發售。價格: $13,800HKD (原廠三年保養)
凡於Uni•Sound 購買Quad Cortex,可用特價購買 Mission Enginerring SP-1 ND Quad Cortex Expression Pedal+TRS Cable
原裝 Quad Cortex 專用軟盒
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Quad Cortex Currently in stock.
Price: $13,800 HKD
with 3 years warranty.
Uni•Sound - Exclusive Neural DSP Quad Cortex dealer in Hong Kong.
***No warranty or repairing service will be provided for parallel products imported from other countries/districts or purchased from other local shops***
Please contact us if you need installment payment plan.
Neural DSP Quad Cortex